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Baby Massage Classes

Introduction to Baby Massage

Baby massage is an ancient art practiced in many cultures and passed down though generations of mothers. Recent research confirms what grandma already knew, babies grow better and act better with nurturing touch.

The practice of Baby Massage is a unique and wonderful way to deepen the bond you have with your child.  Providing your baby with regular massage provides countless physical and emotional benefits for both you and your baby. Massage will help relieve your gassy baby and improve his/her sleep.  Regular massage fosters emotional, physical, and mental well-being, calms anxieties, promotes better sleeping patterns and soothes common baby ailments.

Benefits of Baby Massage for Babies


  • Infant-Parent attachment or “bonding”

  • Relaxation

  • Helps baby feel loved

  • Promotes better sleep

  • Facilitates body awareness

  • Boosts immune system

  • Sensory stimulation

  • Improves blood circulation

  • Helps digestion and wind

  • Balances respiration

  • Relief for colic & teething pains

  • Help waste elimination

  • Helps build parents’ and baby’s self-esteem

  • Helps you learn about your baby (their needs and desires)

  • Relaxes parents

  • Stimulates production of oxytocin (Oxytocin is a hormone which can be produced by both male and female persons during massage. It is useful as a pain reliever and has a calming effect on the person.)

What you will learn

During the 5 week sessions you will learn special massage strokes and techniques that can help reduce gas/colic and improve sleep patterns. A gentle interaction, Baby massage provides an opportunity for parents to become aware of their babies subtle cues as they listen to infant sounds and observe body movements. Research studies have shown that infant massage can reduce stress levels in both parent and child. 

Benefits of Infant Massage for Parents

  • Caregivers feel more confident in their ability to care for baby.

  • Parents learn to understand and respond to baby’s cues.

  • Parents learn techniques to comfort, calm and soothe their babies.

  • Provides an additional avenue for close and nurturing contact.

  • Infant Massage is one of the most natural and pleasant methods of providing this important early nurturing and an amazing tool for helping parents become closer to their babies.

Come and learn about the benefits of baby massage, how to listen and communicate with your baby, and develop a loving and nurturing relationship that can last a lifetime. 

Our Next 5 Weeks Baby Massage Classes

*****Time & Dates to Be Confirmed*****



Time: 10am



Time: 10. am 

For more information and to book please contact us


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